Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Fab 5ive...

Wuzzam world.. Im back at it again.. Im here to talk about a niggas "Fab 5ive". Now you're probably looking at the computer screen with a bewildered look but EVERY nigga has a Fab 5ive. Its a rotation of 5 women in his life. Im going to give you a quick run down of positions 1 through 5..

Now number 1 is his "Girlfriend". His "main". He loves his girl and everything but theres one thing; shes crazier than a mother fucker. Now granted he probably helped with her craziness but none the less shes crazy as hell.

Number 2 is his "Side Bxtch". She real pretty and she usually thinks shes his main thing. But in reality all she really has is cell phone number and if he changes his number; well shes SHIT OUTTA LUCK.

Number 3 is "The Chick He's Been Messing with Since High School". Now she would be his main chick but she somethings wrong with her. Like her breathe stinks,  or shes bald headed, etc.. 

Number 4 is "The Fat Girl with Good Credit". Shes going to make sure he got the newest game system and Michael Jordan shoes.

And last but not least..

Number 5 The chick he can text "lemme flap them bunz" at 4 a.m. He really only contacts her between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6. a.m. She doesnt go anywhere. She goes to work and then home and waits for him to call.

LMAO.. aye this was for entertainment purposes only. Dont be tryna argue my life views or fight me and shit when you see me out in public.

                                                                                                    Love Love and Love Life,

Friday, June 15, 2012


Its me again..  back on my bullshit..  So yesterday my Twitter TL was flooded with Chris Brown vs Drake talk.. If you havent heard about ill sum it up for you.. Breezy sent a bottle over to Drake in a night club.. Drake sent the bottle back with a note that said "Im fucking the love of you life.. Deal with it".. Breezy confronts Drake.. Im assuming words were exchanged and Drake started throwing bottles.. At the end of the melee this nigga Chris Brown left the club with half his damn chin missing and his security guard got his shit pushed back like Neyos lining..lmao.. What i dont understand is how two niggas that could possibly have  sex with any woman on the planet is fighting over the same bxtch.. Makes no sense.. Rihannas vagina must give head, rub yo back, and fry chicken. AT THE SAME DAMN TIME.. If so i can see knockn a nigga chin for that shit.(you kno niggas love chicken)..If not, niggas need to do some yoga or smoke some weed or  sumthin cuz its not that deep.. This nigga Breezy on Twitter  talkn bout "bottles its nothing".. Nigga go find that hunk of chin you missing before you get to talking shit on social media.. I personally dont think Drake threw the bottles tho.. Im jus sayin Common called him "sweet" and he aint really have shit to say.. And this common like 5'3.. Chris Brown like 6'2 and could possibly karate kick his head off his shoulders and he the one that left with part of chin missing?... Somethings doesnt seem right about that.. I mean Rihannas tougher than Drake and you saw what Breezy did to her... LMAO.. That last statement prolly made somebody mad, but who cares ITS THE TRUTH.. 

Enuff of that.. I kno yall watched the NBA Finals last nite too.. So yall seen my nigga LeBron do his thing.. I didnt see any "No Ring" or "LeBrons Hairline" jokes last night.. FuckBags.. People act like LeBron fucked they sister and never called her again or some shit.. All the LeBron Haters i know dont have a legit reason for hating this man.. Which makes them a real like HATER not just LeBron Hater because there is a difference.. 32pts 8rebs in the finals?... How can you not respect that?... People that dont respect his  game know absolutely nothing about basketball.. Now the series is tied 1-1 and the Thunder have 3 games in South Beach.. This shit might be over.. And if/when LBJ does get his ring what is everyone gone say then?... Prolly more hairline jokes but in reality dude rich as hell... He doesnt really give a fuck about what you ordinary people think.. He could buy a new hairline if wanted to or better buy your house and put your ass out.. Ok Ok that was a bit extreme but yall get my point right?.. 

Yea i just wanted to share some of my thoughts about my YESTERDAY... So til next time Love Love and Love Life...

                                                                                                         -Optimus Slime

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Whats Poppin SLIME..

Wazzam World...
I figured since i have all these random thoughts i needed to put them some where. What better place than a blog right?... Exactly so ill be posting these every couple of days or so or whenever i get bored. Feel free to comment because CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM is needed but dont get too wreckless cuz thatll get yo ass whooped... lmao.. i kid i kid.. welp til next time Love Love and Love  Life...

                                           -Optimus SLIME