Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Fab 5ive...

Wuzzam world.. Im back at it again.. Im here to talk about a niggas "Fab 5ive". Now you're probably looking at the computer screen with a bewildered look but EVERY nigga has a Fab 5ive. Its a rotation of 5 women in his life. Im going to give you a quick run down of positions 1 through 5..

Now number 1 is his "Girlfriend". His "main". He loves his girl and everything but theres one thing; shes crazier than a mother fucker. Now granted he probably helped with her craziness but none the less shes crazy as hell.

Number 2 is his "Side Bxtch". She real pretty and she usually thinks shes his main thing. But in reality all she really has is cell phone number and if he changes his number; well shes SHIT OUTTA LUCK.

Number 3 is "The Chick He's Been Messing with Since High School". Now she would be his main chick but she somethings wrong with her. Like her breathe stinks,  or shes bald headed, etc.. 

Number 4 is "The Fat Girl with Good Credit". Shes going to make sure he got the newest game system and Michael Jordan shoes.

And last but not least..

Number 5 The chick he can text "lemme flap them bunz" at 4 a.m. He really only contacts her between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6. a.m. She doesnt go anywhere. She goes to work and then home and waits for him to call.

LMAO.. aye this was for entertainment purposes only. Dont be tryna argue my life views or fight me and shit when you see me out in public.

                                                                                                    Love Love and Love Life,